#71 The Bad Beginning

18 Nov

You avid readers might have noticed that I skipped over book #71 on the Top 100 Children’s Books list, which would be the first book in The Series of Unfortunate Events, by Lemony Snicket. The reasoning behind that fact is that I wanted my cousin to contribute to our “thoughts” on this book and why it should be on the Top 100 list.  See, my cousin A (pictured to your left) is slightly obsessed with Lemony Snicket.  Every time we have gone to the library together, she checks out one of his books.  Every time she has stayed at my house, we end up talking about how great he is.  So instead of hearing from me about why this book is great, I wanted you to hear from A.

“I like the books because it is like a mystery. They are trying to find out who made the fire in the Baudilare mansion.  I am trying to collect them all because they’re cool books and I think everyone should get a chance to read it.  My favorite character would have to be Violet because even when she has nothing to work with she never gives up in finding something to invent with.”

So there you have it, my friends.  A huge recommendation from the voice of someone who should count more than me.  Go and check out The Series of Unfortunate Events.

The Bad Beginning

by Lemony Snicket

Originally published in 1999

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Posted by on November 18, 2010 in Mystery, top 100 children's books


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